Smooth shiny healthy hair is exactly what I was looking for when I signed up to review this product. They smell is very nice and mild, not to strong, not too weak. These products are very moisturizing and and reduce volume and frizz. As you can see in my before and after pictures, my hair greatly improved. I've tried "high end" products and I would prefer these to an expensive "brand".
The Moisturizing Shampoo: this is very nice and provides inredible suds, I like suds, they make me feel like my hair is actually being washed and I don't have to re-wash it. I also like the "squeak" it gives me when I rinse it out. The Deep Conditioner: very moisturizing and I'm able to use just the right amount, not alot, but not too little. It's got a nice creamy texture that I like, and like the shampoo, rinses out easily and clean leaving my hair soft. The Insentive Hair Mask: Amazing! I use it once a weak and just let it be til it's time to rinse it off..(usually 10-20 minutes). My hair is incredibly soft it's rediculous. It's a complete hair recovery system. I'm so glad I got to use this product as well. The line I was sent was also sent with a Serum Ultra Shine: Which seals the hair cucticles and leaves it ultra shiny and smooth. And Liquid Keratin Leave-In Reconstructor: No need to rinse out either. These are great to use with my hair dryer and a flatiron. It effectively penetrates the hair structure, realigning it and reducing hair volume. I have to say these products really worked for my hair. I would give them an A in score.
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These products were sent to me for preview for evaluation and all opinions are my own.